About Me

My Way Of Health & Life

Hi I’m Sara Fusaro, a professional Yoga teacher with over 20 years experience. Read on to find out more about me and how I can help you.

Sara Fusaro

Sara’s personal yoga practice began over 30 years ago, when she discovered her love for Ashtanga. Since then, Yoga has been the most meaningful, transformative, and informative force in her life.

Sara initially trained in London as a vinyasa teacher, but has since taken traditional Hatha and Mindfulness training in India.

After specializing in Yin Yoga, she started to be more interested in asana practice as a very subjective experience, less focused on dramatic postures as an end in themselves, but as a practice that can be gentle yet transformative and bring more balance for the mind and body.

During her classes she uses her extensive knowledge and keen eye to adapt each pose according to individual needs and thereby better facilitate personal growth and inner confidence.

Inspired by Yoga as emotional and psychological transformation, Sara has deepened her knowledge in therapeutic yoga and Well Woman Yoga Therapy and she has been working with NHS offering yoga as a complementary treatment in mental health disorders and in patients with breast cancer offering meditation, Yoga Nidra and Sound healing as support.




Through the many years that Sara has been a Yoga teacher, she has earned a number of qualifications and accomplishments some of which are:

What My Clients Say About Me

A few kind words from some of Saras clients.

I have been attending Sara's classes both online and in the studio and I can honestly say that she is a wonderful teacher/mentor. Too many yoga teachers are really instructors telling you what to do. Sara has always explained why we do certain asanas and flows with a grace, poise and empathy unrivalled by other teachers. She also has a sense of humour which I think is vital for teaching. I can't praise her enough.